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Meeting report

Отчет о встрече состоит из 4 частей:
Introduction – Вступление (предмет отчета, кто его написал и по чьему запросу)
Background - Исходные данные (общее описание имеющейся ситуации, проблемы)
Findings - Полученные данные (возможные пути развития ситуации, решения проблемы)
Conclusion, recommendations - Выводы и рекомендации

Пример Отчета о встрече

Subject: Cost-cutting measures
As requested at the Board meeting of 18 April, here is my report. The full report is attached as a Word document, but I have written a brief summary below.

The purpose of the report is to suggest ways to reduce costs across the company. It is based on the figures sent to me by different departments last month. I have divided the report into three sections: background, findings and recommendations.

As can be seen in table 1 in the attached document, demand for our products has been falling over the last year, and sales and profits are both down. This has led a situation where cost-cutting measures are necessary.


There are three main areas where cost reductions are possible:

  • The marketing budget is very high. As mentioned above, sales are going down, but we are still spending large sums on magazine advertising and street posters. This is not justified.
  • Production costs are also high. Table 2 in the report shoes that raw material costs have gone up by 12% over the last year. We must find a way to bring these down.
  • We may also have to dismiss a small number of administrative staff, which will be very unpopular. See section 4.2 of the full report for suggestions on how to proceed.

In conclusion, I suggest that the company should be able to cut costs significantly by the end of the year. My specific recommendations are as follows:

  1. Marketing Dept to make reductions in the advertising budget of 10% or 15%.
  2. Production Dept to identify opportunities of using different suppliers to bring down materials costs.
  3. Head Office to investigate the possibility for cutting a limited number of jobs, in case the situation deteriorates.

Please have a look at the full report and let me have your comments by 2 June at the latest. This will then be circulated to all departmental managers in time for the meeting on 16 June. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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